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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Professor Horwitz Explains Price Gouging In the Midst of the Storm

It takes guts to go on CNN and explain economic truth – for humanitarian reasons – in the midst of emergency conditions.

It takes guts to go on CNN and explain economic truth – for humanitarian reasons – in the midst of emergency conditions. But FEE’s Distinguished Fellow Steven Horwitz did just that, right as Hurricane Irma is bearing down on Florida. The immediate problem is that anti-gouging laws have contributed to causing massive shortages for gasoline, water, and other essentials right when they are needed the most. 

Horwitz explained the truth that no one wants to hear: Hurricanes do not repeal the law of economics. If we behave as if they do, we spread misery. 

Here’s what Horwitz told CNN. His comments elicited outrage, inevitably. But actually, economic truth is more important now than ever. 

  • The Foundation for Economic Education, founded 1946, works for a free and prosperous world.